Thursday, November 24, 2011

the name....

Well here I am 'blogging' for the first time.  I am not sure how long it will take me to get the hang of this, but I will give a good try.

For those who are going to read this you are probably wondering where in the world did I come up with my blog page name. No, I am not a member of the Moose Lodge, nor do I own a Moose.  I said to someone that those 2 words were going to prove to be very meaningful to me and this is why:  MOOSE: the nickname given to me as a freshman in high school by my fellow volleyball teammates.  You have to put this picture in your mind to get the full irony of it.  I was (am) 5' 0" tall and I weighed a total of 115#.  I could just about walk under the volleyball net without ducking.  When the older girls saw me jump and hit, they started calling me Moose, to this day, my friends from school still call me that. It actually makes me feel very comforted when I hear that from friends.

As for LODGE, well, that is how I describe my home to people and it is what I want to convey.  A nice, warm, cozy place for any and all to come and enjoy.

So, please come in to my Lodge, sit a spell and enjoy my ramblings.

1 comment:

  1. Hey - what fun to "see you" here! You did it. Hooraaay! :) I like your blog name. It's personal & unique. You're off to a great start! I'm looking forward to reading what you share here.
